Ahhh, vacation! What a sweet sound.... but then the panic sets in....what does a Floridian wear to NYC when the high is only going to be 50??? Solution: KNIT KNIT KNIT as fast as you can!
We are about a week away from our vacation and Im still on the hunt for the perfect coat pattern. But I think I am going to have to settle, in the name of warmth and time, on wearing my ski coat and just knitting as many accessories as possible in the next few days. This is what I get for always making stuff for other people. The time finally comes when I get to wear knitted items and Im completely unprepared and out of time!!!! *sigh*
So for now, Im working on the matching cowl to go with the wrist warmers I made. They started out as convertible mittens, but in the interest of time (and the lack of time to go get help from Knit!), I decided fingerless mitts would do (we do live in Florida afterall and thats what pockets are for!) Im debating a matching hat (I hate hats personally and don't look good in them), or maybe a matching ear warmer/head band. Im thinking about making some more accessories to go with my Harry Potter set considering we will be attending the World Cup, great opportunity to wear our stuff and show off my handy work.
Anyways, mind is racing with ideas and as always, fingers cant keep up! So back to working on the cowl. Hopefully knock it out tonight or tomorrow. I have the next two days off (definitely deserved and needed!) so ample time to get some things accomplished. Until then, Happy Knitting!!!
*Also above, a picture of my two favorite people trick or treating around the neighborhood*
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