It has been a while since I last posted. After finishing my husband's Potter set, I immediately started working on mine, which might take a bit longer than his did. I am making a full cardigan for myself, adding the house colors to the bottom hem and sleeves. It is actually coming along rather quickly and I can't wait to finish it! The pattern is really easy to follow and I have already divided the sleeves, back and fronts. Now just to knit, purl, knit, purl for about 22"!!! haha. Shouldnt be too terrible, just boring at times. It is a good TV watching project, which is great because I just got the next DVD of Dr. Quinn (favorite series ever!).
Besides knitting, we have been very busy packing up! We hate where we live and thankfully our lease is up at the end of October! It doens't leave much time to pack and knit, so I have had to be choosy lately picking one night for packing and the other for knitting. My husband and I have gotten a lot done and hopefully will be taking another load tonight to the storage unit (that is after I pack the car, haha).
The pressure is definitely on to get everything done in time for Halloween. Not only do we have to pack and move, but I also have to finish my set, and my sister's by the end of October! What was I thinking when I took all this on??? Oh yea....I remember now....Im an overachiever! And since I am no longer in school, I gotta have something to stress about! haha. Well, back to packing, loading, and maybe some knitting!
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