Today was an emotional roller coaster to say the very least!!! Well, make that the past few days. It started on Saturday with some very minor spotting. No cramps, just some stuff that made me question what the hell was going on with my body. And instead of getting too personal on here, lets just say the problem did not get worse but didnt go away either....
So today, while at work, I got curious and started some research on the whole thing...it freaked me out. Half the sources said no worries, its normal. The other half said call your doctor right away. Hoping to put my fears to rest, I called the doc and instead of hearing "you're fine" she told me to come in right away! FREAK OUT!!!! Luckily, I was able to find child care right away for the toddler and luckily my husband met me at the house in time for a quick snack (even though I couldn't really stomach any food at the time) and off we went. Let me just say, I love my doctor. He is extremely calm and straightforward. I love that about him. He immediately did a pelvic exam; no sign of spotting, cervix is still closed. Then ordered a vaginal ultrasound. Everything looks great! Heart is beating strong at 112, and the baby is .39mm, right on track for 6 weeks and 1 day. I got to see the baby for the first time, I started to cry!!! Its so amazing that this little creature is growing inside me!!! (or parasite as my husband likes to joke). So everything is fine! Doc said that some women go through this during the first trimester.
Give me a break okay this is my first time!!! I think I was more embarrassed about my freaking out more than anything....it was an emotional day. But very glad that I called and got the "ok" from the doc. Feeling much better now! Just waiting for my blood pressure to come back down (155/84 at the docs!!!), and for my emotions to regulate themselves again (damn pregnancy hormones!!!).
Anyways, onto knitting news, not that there is much....
Started working on a baby blanket. Very simple pattern, using the sage green that matches the quilt panels. Just something I can work on at the doctors office, or at home when I don't feel like having to pay attention to a complicated pattern. Finished the first Mary Poppins glove. Finished sewing up the ends on the Birthday Surprise infinity scarf. And no sewing done yet, although now that I have an iron, hopefully I can get some of that done this weekend. Looking forward to a relaxing evening at home with hubby and sister after I get my oil changed.
Keep the prayers and good thoughts coming! Its working!!! Love you all!