Let's just say I have been extremely busy the past month!!! Holiday Vortex hit hard this year! So prepare yourself to sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and read about my past month of craziness! You all have complained that I have not written in a while, so here it is!!
December 15 (ish), Grandma was discharged from the hospital after being there for a few days. Everything is going to be okay, no cancer or anything too serious. Gave her some blood so she was weak for a little while. Thanks to my dad and aunt for taking turns with her!!! It was then my turn to stay with Grandma for a few days. I was able to pull some time away from the baby and take care of Grandma. It was great being able to spend the night (despite our little bug problem! love you grandma!!!), and to play cards and run errands in the freezing cold! Wish I could do that more often....
December 18 (ish), I found myself with a two week break, although, it wasnt much of a break because I didn't get much of anything done!!! I worked very hard on finishing up Christmas gifts and was able to knock those out and was able to get one more project in before seeing family, so at least I got that done. But as far as cleaning out my yarn supply, reorganizing and finding new clever ways to store it, none of that got done. My hopes of cleaning my closet and getting rid of clothes, none of that got done. However, I did get to spend some great time with my lil sister and hubby!! We even got to celebrate our one year anniversary early at Epcot!!!
Week of Christmas: Knitting gifts....
Christmas morning, was spent at mom's. My spa bath mitts were a great hit!!! Mom and sis loved them! And to my surprise, mom got me a sewing machine!!!!!! This means only one thing: another addictive hobby!!! YES!!! So exciting!!! But I had to wait on opening it until someone could show me how to set it up and use it..... more on that in a few
Day after Christmas, was spent with dad and his family, which includes Grandma. We had a wonderful time catching up (wish we could have played cards though!), and had some amazing mac and cheese! However, my spa bath mitts were not a hit. They thought it was some kind of cruel joke or a Michael Jackson reference....oh well. Currently taking suggestions for next year....
Week leading up to New Year's, was lots of fun! Again, more sister time and a little hubby time too as he got off of work remarkably early that week. And he had time to show me how to use my sewing machine!!! Now how cool is this: my husband not only set up my machine for me, but also threaded the bobbin, threaded the needle and showed me how to use the machine!!! How many people can say that about their husbands?!?!?!?! Thats right! I love my domestic hubby!
New Year's weekend to present: I have been sewing like crazy! I love how easy it is and how quickly you can make something! Two addictive hobbies is awesome! I can now choose how I want to make something, either knit or sew!!! And I love how reading sewing patterns are a lot like knitting patterns! Cannot wait to make some more stuff! But right now this is what I have made: a sewing machine cover with a pocket, a chair cover complete with pleats, and many many many reversible ribbon headbands for my sis and her friends!!! Soon, I hope to make an embellished shirt for my sis, along with a purse using some really cute owl fabric, and some other little odds and ends! But first, I have to finish Grandma's scarf that she asked me to make! I was so excited when she asked me to make her something! Today she joked that she wouldn't get it til summer so now the pressure is on to finish it this weekend and get it to her!!! Love you grandma!
Well, hope everyone has enjoyed the first week of the new year!!! I know I have! And can't wait til tomorrow to get some more knitting and sewing done! Taking lil sis to the fabric store tomorrow to pick out some patterns! YAY! Happy early birthday lil sis!!!