I have since retired from my nanny job, and therefore needed to switch up the blog a little bit. I created a new one, which can be found HERE. Don't forget to update your bookmarks! See you over at Baby Penguin!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Bump already? And lots of knitting! Part 2 of 2

So things have been interesting around here lately, but the good news is that I have gotten some great new items made for my photography friend!!! She asked me to do a helmet hat for a boy. It was fun trying to combine the different yarns for this one. And people always ask, do I use my own pattern? Well I might as well! at this point, I have been looking to just get an idea of what other people have done to achieve the same result, but then I just end up doing whatever looks or feels best. LOL. For the helmet hat, this was exactly the case!
The bunny hat and diaper cover turned out great too! This was an added bonus for my friend. I was looking at the net trying to see what other people have done for spring photos this year. The trend is diaper covers and matching hats! So here ya go! Bunny hat and diaper cover complete with pom tail. The hat is too small for A (4 months), its meant for a new born but she is such a good model her mom just had to try it! And how adorable is she? Love love love baby A!
As far as my baby is concerned, im concerned! I already have a bump!!! Say what??? Yup, I have a bump! People are already coming up to me and asking how far along I am, and if they can touch my belly?!?!!? Crazy people! Im just 10 weeks tomorrow!!! Insane! So my clothes officially do not fit, and am now in maternity clothes full time. Yikes! never thought I would be showing this early! that means one of two things: I have weak ab muscles or this baby is going to HUGE!!!!!!
Agenda for the rest of the week: work on knitted flower headbands for girls (infants, toddlers, preschoolers), baby blanket for our little penguin (knitted blanket in sage), doctors appointment tomorrow, lunch with Grandma Thursday, and researching cloth diapers! Busy week ahead but relaxation is coming soon!!! I can already hear the ocean!
Bump already? And lots of knitting! Part 1 of 2

Im going to post again tonight, just because I have too many pictures to share (thats what I get for not updating more frequently).
This post is about Mary Poppins, and purple baby hats! I finally finished the costume for my sister's living wax museum, which is April 1. Can't wait to see what all the other students have come up with for their famous person! I knitted the collar and gloves, and had to hand sew the lace to the umbrella. The white skirt, hat (minus tulle), and shoes are Goodwill finds. The red (pregnancy brain)...... red underskirt is from our wedding. I decided to buy fabric for the sash and basically sewed a tube to be wrapped around her waist. The hat I adorned with tulle. It was a great project, and I got to use my favorite mediums, yarn and fabric!
The purple baby hats turned out awesome! here is a horrible picture (why it is so blurry I have no idea) of the newborn that got to be the first to wear the pom earflap hat! It turned out great! Cant wait to see what else my friend is going to capture this year! Already working on some new items for her! Alright, well this post was short and sweet, stay tuned for the next (I should probably just punch it out right now while Im sitting here!)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Finally back to knitting!!!

Its been a very long past few weeks, mostly including (but not limited to) nausea, sleep deprivation, constipation, bloating, more sleep deprivation, more nausea, clothes not fitting, more nausea....
Okay I think you get the point!!! This pregnancy has been kicking my butt! Today my little baby is the size of a raspberry and just 8 weeks old! The past month has gone by very slow, so heres to hoping that the next month is fast! I think it will be too, because I have a lot of deadlines for upcoming knitting projects.
At Gymboree class, where I take the toddler to get out some energy a few times a week, I ran into a previous swim mom! We quickly reconnected, and I was so surprised to see how big her oldest daughter had gotten!!! Come to find out, this friend of mine does photography! I love connections! Anyhow, she has gotten many requests lately for newborn shoots! Immediately I got excited and we started talking ideas about pom hats and chunky textured yarn! YAY! And, she has a shoot this weekend (yikes!). I immediately picked up the needles and pumped out 2 hats. The first came out bigger than I had planned (check your gauge nanny!), but the second was perfect thanks to a helping hand from an old friend, Baby (the doll from my childhood that I still have, and yes Dad, her foot still needs to be fixed!). Turns out, Baby is just about the size of a newborn and provided the perfect template for fitting hats!!!
I just love the result I got with both hats. Chunky yarn is definitely the way to go when in a time crunch! Big needles and big yarn = quick knit! My friend has several newborn shoots coming up and Im sooo excited! 2 of which happen to be for boys!!! I found some great chunky yarn in baby blue and white and cant wait to make some stuff this weekend! But first, Mary Poppins!
I managed to knock out the final belle ruffle glove this evening. All I have left is the wrap. Shouldnt take long, and I hope to knock that out tomorrow and Friday so I can get back to knitting baby hats (which by the way, only take 2-3 hours!).
So the pictures above are my friend's beautiful 4 month old trying out the bigger hat (she loved it and kept in on til we took it off!) and Baby wearing the smaller pom hat. Love them both and cannot wait to see what my friend is able to capture!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Minor Freak Out!

Today was an emotional roller coaster to say the very least!!! Well, make that the past few days. It started on Saturday with some very minor spotting. No cramps, just some stuff that made me question what the hell was going on with my body. And instead of getting too personal on here, lets just say the problem did not get worse but didnt go away either....
So today, while at work, I got curious and started some research on the whole thing...it freaked me out. Half the sources said no worries, its normal. The other half said call your doctor right away. Hoping to put my fears to rest, I called the doc and instead of hearing "you're fine" she told me to come in right away! FREAK OUT!!!! Luckily, I was able to find child care right away for the toddler and luckily my husband met me at the house in time for a quick snack (even though I couldn't really stomach any food at the time) and off we went. Let me just say, I love my doctor. He is extremely calm and straightforward. I love that about him. He immediately did a pelvic exam; no sign of spotting, cervix is still closed. Then ordered a vaginal ultrasound. Everything looks great! Heart is beating strong at 112, and the baby is .39mm, right on track for 6 weeks and 1 day. I got to see the baby for the first time, I started to cry!!! Its so amazing that this little creature is growing inside me!!! (or parasite as my husband likes to joke). So everything is fine! Doc said that some women go through this during the first trimester.
Give me a break okay this is my first time!!! I think I was more embarrassed about my freaking out more than anything....it was an emotional day. But very glad that I called and got the "ok" from the doc. Feeling much better now! Just waiting for my blood pressure to come back down (155/84 at the docs!!!), and for my emotions to regulate themselves again (damn pregnancy hormones!!!).
Anyways, onto knitting news, not that there is much....
Started working on a baby blanket. Very simple pattern, using the sage green that matches the quilt panels. Just something I can work on at the doctors office, or at home when I don't feel like having to pay attention to a complicated pattern. Finished the first Mary Poppins glove. Finished sewing up the ends on the Birthday Surprise infinity scarf. And no sewing done yet, although now that I have an iron, hopefully I can get some of that done this weekend. Looking forward to a relaxing evening at home with hubby and sister after I get my oil changed.
Keep the prayers and good thoughts coming! Its working!!! Love you all!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Oh Baby!!!

I know it has been a while since my last update, but there is a very good reason!!! Shortly after moving in, to our one bedroom apartment, we found out that we are pregnant!!! YAY! We are so incredibly excited and happy! I know it is early yet, Im only 6 weeks, but we are so thrilled that we just had to share the news! I am due sometime at the beginning of October. Everyone has been very supportive and happy for us! And we cannot wait for our own little bundle of joy to arrive!
My husband and I have already been talking baby names, themes, and Halloween costumes!!! We are just too excited!!! So, now this blog has taken another turn. Instead of just knitting and sewing, Im also going to include baby news so that friends and family can stay in the loop! YAY!!!
Onto crafting news (of the baby sort): I haven't had much time to do any knitting. Not only do I have zero energy, but most of my time is spent in the bathroom these days. No, not morning sickness (not yet anyways). I swear we are going through so much toilet paper!!! HAHA. Which brings me back to knitting.... I haven't gotten much done. I got ahead of myself again and started working on some converse baby booties. But I stopped, and decided I should really concentrate on my sister's Mary Poppins project since that is due at the beginning of March. Im almost done with the first belle ruffle glove. Hoping to finish that up soon and get the second one done (maybe by the weekend?). And then there is the sewing that I want to get done, but haven't. So much for having a new apartment to decorate when you don't have time...boo! But I did manage to talk my husband into buying some baby items! The pictures above are of the panels I bought at JoAnn's when we first found out we were expecting! I had my eye on this for a long time, now I have a need for it! We have chosen penguins for our baby theme. Can't wait to add ruffles to this and make a ton of matching accessories!!!
Anyways, onto other news. We are loving our apartment so far, despite the drama that occurred over the weekend. A drunk driver crashed his trunk into the garage below us. Woke us up from a deep sleep. Had to call the cops. It was rather scary but turned into a funny nosy neighbor type thing when we could hear the guy yelling for his truck. lol. It was funny, not so much the being up for 2 hours in the middle of the night, but spying and seeing everything unfold below us (we had a perfect view from our windows), was quite entertaining!
And we just brought over the cats finally. They are currently taking residence under the bed, but they joined me at my feet last night. Glad to have them here. and glad to get them out of my mom's where they were stressed and being chased by the other mean cat!
Well, back to laundry and cleaning up the place! Happy Valentines Day!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
All Moved In!

I think we are almost done moving! We are super heroes in disguise because we managed to do it in just one day! Our backs and legs might have hurt yesterday, but we did it! And then today we survived a Sunday trip to Ikea, and managed to get everything assembled tonight! YAY! I have a dining room table again!!! and I now have a beautiful work station since our leaf for our desk got damaged in the move.
I wish I had some awesome knitting pictures to share, but I don't, so I leave you with two of my favorite things, Harry Potter and chocolate chip pancakes. Yes we are dorks, and found these awesome HP magnets while in New York at the Lego Store. And yes, I can cook, my daddy taught me well on how to properly make pancakes! These were made with Ghiaradelli (sp?) chocolate chips!!!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Me? Published???

I was approached last week about having one of my images used in a publication about open source design... Can't wait to see my stuff in print!!! Will let you all know more details as they come...
Anyways, went over to see Grandma today. Had a lovely visit as always! And finally got a picture of the scarf I made her! The up close picture did not come out very well. Its always hard to capture the detail in such a dark colored scarf. Im so glad she likes it! Hopefully the weather will get cool again so she can get some use out of it! I think it is supposed to get chilly this weekend *fingers crossed*
Tonight, lil sis participated in the middle school variety show. She did spray paint art, it looks amazing! Cant wait to get some pictures up! (I really need a new camera by the way...)
This weekend, I will be taking care of my sick husband...poor thing! I also hope to get some knitting and sewing in as it will probably be a while before I get to do it again. We are moving a week from tomorrow! We are very excited about having a place of our own again. And I cannot wait to decorate now that I have a sewing machine! YAY for finally having the need to make curtains and pillows and cute stuff that matches! Until then, the sounds of my snoring mother and congested husband.... here's to another night of restless sleep...
Monday, January 17, 2011
Long weekend with the In Laws!!
Things around here have been insane.... So this past weekend, the husband, lil sis, and I escaped to my in-laws house in the woods in the panhandle. It was a much needed break for all of us! We had an awesome time knitting, cooking, and doing some archery. I think my lil sis had the most fun of all! Unfortunately, I discovered that I am extremely allergic to my husband's cat (he rescued Shadow Fox when he was in college, and the cat now resides at his parent's house). So here I am, unable to sleep due to the worst sinus headache I have ever experienced! I can't breathe, and therefore sleep is not an option at the moment until the meds kick in. Tomorrow I will be heading to the doctor to see if he can give me something to help.... but the kitty is too cute! I love Shadow Fox, I just can't go near him or be in the same house unless I am heavily drugged....
Anyways, before we left, and before the cold temps came back, I was able to finish Grandma's scarf, only silly me forgot to take a picture of it before I sent it to her!! AHHH!! So next time I go over I will have to get that picture... Im just glad I was able to finish it before the weather got warm again!
Over the weekend, I started the Hash Marks scarf for my MIL. I decided to use FSU colors and so far its really cool looking! I have never done slipped stitches before, or even color changes with slipped stitches. I love the effect!!! Can't wait to get some pictures of that one too!
And then of course is the Birthday Surprise scarf that still needs to be finished....maybe tomorrow while Im waiting for the doctor. Im really hoping to get some rest tomorrow too after I can breathe long enough to lay down... *sigh* and then hopefully Ill get back to work by Wednesday.
Until then, Family Guy with the hubby, and Dr. Quinn tomorrow while attempting to rest. Goodnight all!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Happy New Year!!!

Let's just say I have been extremely busy the past month!!! Holiday Vortex hit hard this year! So prepare yourself to sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and read about my past month of craziness! You all have complained that I have not written in a while, so here it is!!
December 15 (ish), Grandma was discharged from the hospital after being there for a few days. Everything is going to be okay, no cancer or anything too serious. Gave her some blood so she was weak for a little while. Thanks to my dad and aunt for taking turns with her!!! It was then my turn to stay with Grandma for a few days. I was able to pull some time away from the baby and take care of Grandma. It was great being able to spend the night (despite our little bug problem! love you grandma!!!), and to play cards and run errands in the freezing cold! Wish I could do that more often....
December 18 (ish), I found myself with a two week break, although, it wasnt much of a break because I didn't get much of anything done!!! I worked very hard on finishing up Christmas gifts and was able to knock those out and was able to get one more project in before seeing family, so at least I got that done. But as far as cleaning out my yarn supply, reorganizing and finding new clever ways to store it, none of that got done. My hopes of cleaning my closet and getting rid of clothes, none of that got done. However, I did get to spend some great time with my lil sister and hubby!! We even got to celebrate our one year anniversary early at Epcot!!!
Week of Christmas: Knitting gifts....
Christmas morning, was spent at mom's. My spa bath mitts were a great hit!!! Mom and sis loved them! And to my surprise, mom got me a sewing machine!!!!!! This means only one thing: another addictive hobby!!! YES!!! So exciting!!! But I had to wait on opening it until someone could show me how to set it up and use it..... more on that in a few
Day after Christmas, was spent with dad and his family, which includes Grandma. We had a wonderful time catching up (wish we could have played cards though!), and had some amazing mac and cheese! However, my spa bath mitts were not a hit. They thought it was some kind of cruel joke or a Michael Jackson reference....oh well. Currently taking suggestions for next year....
Week leading up to New Year's, was lots of fun! Again, more sister time and a little hubby time too as he got off of work remarkably early that week. And he had time to show me how to use my sewing machine!!! Now how cool is this: my husband not only set up my machine for me, but also threaded the bobbin, threaded the needle and showed me how to use the machine!!! How many people can say that about their husbands?!?!?!?! Thats right! I love my domestic hubby!
New Year's weekend to present: I have been sewing like crazy! I love how easy it is and how quickly you can make something! Two addictive hobbies is awesome! I can now choose how I want to make something, either knit or sew!!! And I love how reading sewing patterns are a lot like knitting patterns! Cannot wait to make some more stuff! But right now this is what I have made: a sewing machine cover with a pocket, a chair cover complete with pleats, and many many many reversible ribbon headbands for my sis and her friends!!! Soon, I hope to make an embellished shirt for my sis, along with a purse using some really cute owl fabric, and some other little odds and ends! But first, I have to finish Grandma's scarf that she asked me to make! I was so excited when she asked me to make her something! Today she joked that she wouldn't get it til summer so now the pressure is on to finish it this weekend and get it to her!!! Love you grandma!
Well, hope everyone has enjoyed the first week of the new year!!! I know I have! And can't wait til tomorrow to get some more knitting and sewing done! Taking lil sis to the fabric store tomorrow to pick out some patterns! YAY! Happy early birthday lil sis!!!
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